Friday, June 20, 2008

June Eberlin

 i recently found some letters
 written to my parents and saved 
 from orinsekwa circa 1966.
 in thinking about the camp; and 
 those i remember; i thought of June.
 perhaps a way to honor her and remember
 might be for our group to sponsor a young
 person whom otherwise could not afford
 that summer camp experience.
 i know that camp echo lake in warrensburg n.y.
 for twenty five years has had a program
 where fifty five boys and girls get a scholarship
 for-- one-- unforgettable week, to a lake and sports
 and crafts that might be beyond their reach 
 as our contact list grows and more people 
 connect; perhaps it might be possible to 
 reach out to make something special happen
 for someone and honor and remember June
 in that gift.

 richard statman  66-67

 richard statman

1 comment:

Henry Kazer said...

Richard - thanks so much - wonderful heartfelt idea that should become a reality - this reconnecting/reunion project has certainly gone way beyond where I anticipated in so many respects.